Spring Christmas

Welcome back…

The Easter Break or Spring Christmas as no one calls it, has been and gone and if you did it properly you have nothing but a larger waistline and diabetes to show for it.

Well done you!! It’s not just for the kids is it!

And as a bonus, the clocks went forward, which is always a dangerous gamble for a Bank Holiday weekend - back in the olden days when we had to do adjust the time yourself there was a real chance you’d not know and would rock up to your desk an hour late.

No such luck now, cheers Apple!

Don’t pretend you don’t do it.

Let’s assume that you have managed to make it into the office anyway and you need something to pass the time until you can go home again.

Then welcome to this week’s edition of The Weekly Ag Recruiter.

At least it’s a short week for you limp through.

If you are reading this and nodding your head in agreement then it’s probably time for you to have a think about your life decisions.

I once worked with a chap whose father was a Mosquito pilot in WW2.

The Mosquito was an incredible piece of British engineering - made out of Balsa wood, rubber bands and paper and powered by, what else - but a Merlin engine.

Anyway, as wonderful as this plane was it did have a rather nasty habit of catching fire or getting damaged and crashing.. alot.

Hence my former colleague would say that his father would make a decision to either engage with a target or not. If that was not the right decision then he would immediately take another decisive step to correct it.

The moral of the story, don’t be scared to make a decision to correct a wrong one from earlier.

A classic example I get is when someone has just changed jobs and they immediately think that this is “not what I was thinking it would be like”

My advice is to speak to your manager, make them aware of the issue. If their response is “that’s what the job is” then you know you have to make a corrective decision.

But where to go.. and who to speak to?

If only there was a place on the internet that could help you make these corrective decisions. A website that has different jobs or the friendly ear of someone to help…

Well now there is

Yes, my friends after weeks of deliberating about my future in recruitment I am delighted to tell you, I’m pushing through.

And what better way to celebrate than to create an online presence that requires constant supervision and maintenance.

It’s like having another child but one that will pay for itself.. hopefully.

For a run down of jobs and bits and pieces it will all be on there.

I’ll still be running the Weekly Newsletter , especially as there are now over 200 of you - and at this point still no unsubscribers.

Just for those of you who can’t be bothered to click a link then , here are the roles of the week!

Have a good one!! And as always, thank you for reading and your support.