Are you one of the 75%?

AKA Looking for work successfully.

The “Missing 25%” or feckless wankers

Hello, it’s been a couple of weeks - what with half -term and next to sweet naff all to write about I thought it prudent not to just churn out any old guff and to see if I could get the creative juices flowing.

And by lucky chance the BBC chose to release a report about how 25% of people between the age of 16 and 64 aren’t looking for work - they are either settled in their roles or they are retired and don’t need to comeback.

Yours truly, duly commented about this and had quite the response.

But what does it mean to be one of the 75% who are actively looking - this is surely a good thing? Less people looking means that you are more likely to get the job you want - doesn’t it?

Except, it really doesn’t feel that way at all.

You apply for a role and you either don’t get an interview or you get the interview but don’t get the job.

Here’s the reason why, the firms who are recruiting don’t understand that it’s a candidate led market. It has been for over 6 years.

Despite me knowing this. And now you knowing this. The people who do the hiring don’t know this.

Therefore when they have a few applications they decide to wait until someone better comes along… and they wait and wait and wait….

It leads to a frustrating experience for you, a frustrating experience for the client and a waste of time for everyone.

The question is, what can you do to stand out?

It’s a boring answer but look at your CV.

I bet the only alterations you have made on it are the ones when you were last promoted or moved jobs.

If it doesn’t interest you, then it’s not going to interest the hiring manager.

Have you included some of the essential qualities needed for the vacancy you are hiring for?


Then you can start to see the issue. A little more effort and you will stand out like a new pin.

If you need help with the next steps of your career and the frustration of not getting any further then do get in touch.

I am starting up a mentoring programme.

“The £50k Career Coach” is the working title but the idea is , if you need / want to get to that magical figure, then let me help you get there.

I will take on 4 people and each week for 8 weeks, we will go through everything you are doing from CV’s, job applications and interview techniques and everything else.

If this sounds like something for you, then please do get in touch at [email protected]

And now the jobs!

And finally, as Easter approaches. Thank you for reading and subscribing.
